Accession | AHY24648.2 |
External DB Link | NCBI Protein |
Species | Canis familiaris |
Common Name | dog |
Description | lipocalin |
IUIS Name | Can f 4 | Length | 174 |
Year Adopted | 2019 |
Sequence |
>AHY24648.2 Can f 4; lipocalin [Canis familiaris]
Parent Accession | |
Notes | This entry replaces an older version of the same Accession # AHY24648.1 (Accession # AHY24648.1 has thus been discontinued from COMPARE2019, in the database and the corresponding 2019 FastA file). The two versions of the sequence differ by one amino acid (position 162). The sequence in the supporting article reviewed this year (PMID: 24859823) matches the most up to date record (AHY24648.2). |